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College Fair

Chesterton students, homeschoolers, and families got to find out about college life and trade-school programs at the annual CAR & STAHRA College Fair in January.

Students and recent graduates from about a dozen schools talked about academics, living situations and more. It was a great chance for current Chesterton scholars and homeschoolers to get a first glimpse into life after high school.

After a question-and-answer session, current high schoolers were able to speak individually with representatives from each school to get more detailed information.

This event is sponsored annually by Chesterton Academy of Rochester (CAR) and St. Thomas Aquinas Homeschoolers of the Rochester Area (STAHRA).

Chesterton Academy of Rochester Headmaster, Mr. David Klosterman, introduces college students and recent graduates at the Career Fair in January.
Chesterton Academy of Rochester Headmaster, Mr. David Klosterman, introduces college students and recent graduates at the Career Fair in January.

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